Life can change by chance, choice or will

Sometimes change can happen without us knowing. Sometimes we will change life. This life change is one tough, hell of a thing. Let me put it like this: If life is to change you cannot avoid it or run from it. If it’s to happen, it will happen. What ever happens, it’s up to the individual and how the individual will embrace the life change.

Most of the time, life changes take place due to a crisis. I will say what ever the crisis is, don’t let it force you to make changes. Take each situation and then change your life at your own pace and will. Don’t let change force you to live a life that you will later regret.

We can decide what’s best for us. Don’t let others make decisions on behalf of us. Work with time and take one day to tackle one thing at a time.

Let GO Of The Past

Past is past, don’t dwell on it. What you had, what happened, who you were has all passed. I would say burry it. Do not think and cry over spilled milk. Move on and remember, when all the doors shut you out, look for the small window that’s open for you. Do not forget that you had already lived a life that changed and that’s why you are where you are today. Forgive and move forward, because the weak cannot forgive. Remember at the end of the tunnel there is light. Stay away from negative people!

Do Things

Do things that you wanted to do, but couldn’t do because of a reason. Go to places and experience life that you never had before. Embrace the new life and changes. Do dare devil things and conquer the fear you had. Do things that will surprise the people that shut you off. Be yourself, don’t hide in a shell, enjoy life to its fullest and have a “I did” check list that says I did it. Dream of becoming better than before. Gently do things and you will be surprised to find out that you have shaken the world.

Live For The Moment & Cherish

Don’t wait for anyone or time. The time will not wait and others will slow you down. Take one day at a time. Live it as if there was no other day and cherish it. Don’t let anyone preach you what to do and how to live your life because of the life changes.

Life can change by will, choice and chance. Remember you get one life, you have to live it to the fullest. Change is the only thing that cannot or does not change. I Know this very well because I experienced a big change and faced lot of challenges in my life.

I quote Mahatma Gandhi, “If you are born poor its not your problem, if you die poor its your problem”.

Categories: Life

Life can change by chance, choice or will

Sometimes change can happen without us knowing. Sometimes we will change life. This life change is one tough, hell of a thing. Let me put it like this: If life is to change you cannot avoid it or run from it. If it’s to happen, it will happen. What ever happens, it’s up to the individual and how the individual will embrace the life change.

Most of the time, life changes take place due to a crisis. I will say what ever the crisis is, don’t let it force you to make changes. Take each situation and then change your life at your own pace and will. Don’t let change force you to live a life that you will later regret.

We can decide what’s best for us. Don’t let others make decisions on behalf of us. Work with time and take one day to tackle one thing at a time.

Let GO Off The Past

Past is past, don’t dwell on it. What you had, what happened, who you were has all passed. I would say burry it. Do not think and cry over spilled milk. Move on and remember, when all the doors shut you out, look for the small window that’s open for you. Do not forget that you had already lived a life that changed and that’s why you are where you are today. Forgive and move forward, because the weak cannot forgive. Remember at the end of the tunnel there is light. Stay away from negative people!

Do Things

Do things that you wanted to do, but couldn’t do because of a reason. Go to places and experience life that you never had before. Embrace the new life and changes. Do dare devil things and conquer the fear you had. Do things that will surprise the people that shut you off. Be yourself, don’t hide in a shell, enjoy life to its fullest and have a “I did” check list that says I did it. Dream of becoming better than before. Gently do things and you will be surprised to find out that you have shaken the world.

Live For The Moment & Cherish

Don’t wait for anyone or time. The time will not wait and others will slow you down. Take one day at a time. Live it as if there was no other day and cherish it. Don’t let anyone preach you what to do and how to live your life because of the life changes.

Life can change by will, choice and chance. Remember you get one life, you have to live it to the fullest. Change is the only thing that cannot or does not change. I Know this very well because I experienced a big change and faced lot of challenges in my life.

I quote Mahatma Gandhi, “If you are born poor its not your problem, if you die poor its your problem”.
