Tough gets going we crumble and hide in our own shell.

When tough gets going, we need to remember few things that can & will change in life! So get ready for the changes to happen, let it happen. Sit back and relax.

1: Life will change, let it change because you cannot help the change, due to few factors or the situation. When change happens be happy, as per my previous topic let it change and expect challenges.

2: Get ready for the new challenges in life, because of the changes. Challenge, often we fear challenges in life. Some people say take a leap of faith. Some say face the music. How I saw challenge and what I did is took every challenge positive and faced it as if I don’t care about the out come. Simple in life, we all have faced challenges during school, work, and relationships. All these challenges are life experiences and it did change our lives by the decisions we took. Some challenges brought us joy, some brought us sorrow. Still we made it. Don’t ever be afraid for a challenge because its learning experience.

3: Every day is a new day and we all learn. Don’t be afraid to learn, because learning can be done in many ways. My recommendation is always learn from others or take a page from someone else life experience and adopt it that suits you the best. Read, listen and learn. This is the best experience you can get to improve your life and get through the tough time. There will be days you will feel there is no outcome.

4: Disappointments, I am sure no one likes it. Things will not go the way you wish. You will not get things accomplished and will be disappointed. Its ok, take it as a blessing. Be positive and be happy with the outcome. Remember whatever it is, you made the choice and decided it.

5: Let others be others. In my way of saying it ” don’t give a F” about negative people. Don’t worry or listen to negative people. People who are negative, they always have a problem for anything and everything. Ignore those people, stay way from those people, ghost those people, ditch negative people in life. Bad enough water is flowing above nose these negative people. They are trying to pour more water and tie you into a rock so you cant get out. Don’t let it happen to you. We don’t need to listen and worry about negative people.

6: Take care of yourself, treat yourself like a holy temple. We all get one chance to live, one body so take care of it. Be happy with little things you get. Try to enjoy life and be thankful for everything you have in life. Be thankful for the people who have been there for you and done something for you. Don’t cry over past, let past be past and remember no matter what keep yourself out of alcohol and drugs. Keep yourself happy and busy during tough times.

Tough gets going, going gets tough. If you remember basic things in life, you will sail smoothly. Remember 1: Life changes 2: Challenges 3: Learning experiences 4:Be positive 5: Don’t worry about negative people 6: Be thankful & take care

Categories: Life


amit uttwani · January 24, 2019 at 11:13 pm

It’s awesome & thanks for sharing

    admin · January 27, 2019 at 4:58 pm

    You are welcome.

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